May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord let his face shine on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his face
and bring you peace. (Nb. 6:24-26)

Monday 21 September 2009

Why am I happy?

Which reasons do I have to be happy? I like my life; it is not always an easy path (which one is it?) but it is never sad. It has lots of good moments; in fact, God has given me the gift of being happy with what he gives me so, usually, I don’t lack many things.
I begin each day with a time of prayer in which I read the Bible. God tells me again and again that he loves me; that the world will not fall out of his hands (even if it seems to me that is doing so) and that there is hope for the future. In his Word, Christ reminds me every day that he believes every person I meet to be worthwhile, to the point of giving his own life (and mine) for him or her. Thus, even when I get up a little worried, pessimistic or gloomy, God manages to convince me of the many reasons I have to love the life he has given me.
People also make me happy. Certainly, there are many who neither sow nor peace nor love; however, there are many more who do so. I've lived in four countries: Spain, England, USA and Italy, and my experience has always been the same. The world is full of good people, really and honestly good; who love and fight for the loved ones and for the unknown people they find on their way. Surely, they do not make so much noise as the others, but their lives are a source of happiness for everyone they meet.
I am happy also because it is Christ’s gift for those who listen to what he says: “But now I am coming to you and I say these things in the world to share my joy with them to the full.”
(John 17, 13)


  1. hello Sister,

    I'm very happy to hear or to read your words, thanks for give to me one good reason to pass the long day


  2. Shalom, I invite you to my site
