I heard yesterday a priest joking about the fact that Church critics never seem to remember that "holidays" were God's invention. God rested. On the seventh day, after a week of creation, he rested. This idea seems to be following me these last days, maybe because I do not seem to have found the “seventh day” of my weeks.
I read the Bible, where God tells the Israelites to rest. In two lines it says what God does for resting: looks back on what he has done and he approves of it; he blesses it and He makes holy the day of looking back, enjoying and speaking well of his work.
I went to bed yesterday trying to remember what had happened during the day for which I could give thanks because it had been very good. I had been studying all day (got two exams this week) but lunch with the others was a moment of joking and laughing all the time. It was a great moment; after, I rested (and slept) much better. Thus, now I am even more convinced that God’s ways of doing things are much more effective than ours. He rests enjoying what he has done.
Genesis, 1:31-2:3 God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good. 2He rested on the seventh day after all the work he had been doing. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he rested after all his work of creating.